1 / That everyone has had difficulty giving their e-mail address over the phone.
Whereas with your NUMCODE.
2 / It is impossible to keep all your digital identities in a business card: LinkedIn profile and Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, Instagram, web page, phone number, blog, ...
Whereas with your NUMCODE
3 / It is impossible to give his Facebook internet address in a brisk way.
Whereas with your NUMCODE
4 / Every time we change jobs, we lose contacts and prospects.
Whereas with your NUMCODE
5 / When traveling it is difficult to give these coordinates in a foreign language.
Whereas with your NUMCODE
When you return from an Erasmus internship you have lost half of your contact.
Whereas with your NUMCODE
7 / That the craftsmen now have at least one web page, a Facebook, an Instagram and a blog. Hard to do otherwise all these sites at the first appointment.
Whereas with your NUMCODE
8 / That everyone has a large amount of business card which he does not know who they belong to.
Whereas with your NUMCODE
9 / When you change jobs, your old company will not give your new customers new addresses.
Whereas with your NUMCODE
10 / When you go on the radio, how much faith should you repeat the direction of your web page without making a mistake. www.chasseauvergnerhonealpes.com
Whereas with your NUMCODE
11 / If you put all your sites on your business card, you no longer have the place to put your skills.
Whereas with your NUMCODE

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